I was the kid who squinted to finish my Nancy Drew book under the covers with a flashlight (thus rendering me terribly nearsighted — thanks Little Laura). I was the kid who immediately reread Little Women upon finishing for the first time because I didn't want it to be over. I was the kid who was gifted author biographies for Christmas presents. I was the kid who was only allowed to read for an hour each day so I would play with my sister more. In a reading contest at school where a sticker was given for every 100 pages read, my chart extended several feet past everyone else's.
So now that we've clarified I'm a Giant Nerd, let's move on.
I often get asked what my favorite books are, and I sheepishly find myself admitting I don't read as often as I should. My childhood obsession with reading evolved into other interests: art, writing, theatre, boys (in that order). I hate to say it, but I am often distracted from doing the thing I love most in the world: sitting down with a good book. That being said, there are a few well-worn favorites on my bookshelf I would love to share with you today. Here's hoping that this will inspire a regular reading list here on my blog — the perfect excuse to wiggle reading back into my day-to-day life again. By all means, let me know if this is something you'd be interested in!
Click on a book to see my brief review and keep clicking to toggle back and forth:
What about you? What are some of your bookshelf favorites? Any suggestions for me?